Local info
Standard time
East European zone time (GMT+2 hours). Daylight saving time (GMT+3 hours) applies from March to October.
Currency(since 1867)
The official Romanian currency is the Romanian Leu (RON). The exchange rate at this time is about 1$ = 3.36 RON and 1€ =4.48 RON. The Leu (plural lei) is divided into Ban (plural bani), so that 1 leu = 100 bani. Foreign currency can be changed at any bank or exchange office. Please be careful to check all the commissions applied. Banks are open on Monday-Friday from 0830h-1600h. ATMs are found at hotels, all banks and many other locations throughout the city.
Electricity standards.
EU standard 220 V / 50 Hz. Please ensure that you have the proper adapter for your appliances.
Weights and Measures
Metric system in force since 1866.
Emergency phone number
The emergency phone number in Romania is 112.